Expected Output
- Learning outcomes are clear and explicit
Learning outcomes are ambiguous and do not specify the behaviours or skills expected
Learning outcomes are measurable and observable and are stated using concrete active verbs which specify the behaviour or skills expected.
Learning outcomes identify the action required, the context and the condition needed, and the expectation/degree of performance/quality of output.
- Prior knowledge is used
Prior knowledge is not considered
Prior knowledge is identified
Prior knowledge is used to build up the lesson
- Learning outcomes are communicated
Learning outcomes are provided in the course outline
Learning outcomes are explained to students at the start of the course
Learning outcomes are discussed and critiqued using previous students’ work to clarify and improve student understanding of each learning outcome
- Criteria and standards of performance are provided (rubrics)
Criteria are provided but with no description of standards
Criteria are provided with generic descriptions of standards
Criteria are provided with clear and concise descriptions of each level of standards in the particular context of the tasks.
- Criteria and standards are aligned with learning outcomes
Some of the criteria and/or standards are inconsistent with the learning outcomes
Criteria and standards are measuring the desired learning outcomes
Criteria and standards are stated in ways that relate to and clarify the learning outcomes
- Criteria and standards are communicated to students
Criteria and standards are discussed in the class.
Work samples of previous students are used to discuss to clarify criteria and standards
Provides opportunities for students to critic a wide range of work samples of previous students to clarify and develop deeper understanding of criteria and standards
- Assessment tasks are aligned with the learning outcomes
Assessment tasks require students to demonstrate some of the learning outcomes
Assessment tasks require students to demonstrate achievement of all learning outcomes.
Assessment tasks are flexible to accommodate students’ diverse learning needs and interests to provide them opportunities to best demonstrate their learning
- Task description and criteria and standards are clearly consistent with each other
Task description and criteria and standards show some inconsistencies which may confuse students on what to do with the task
Task description and criteria and standards clearly relate to each other to give consistent message how to accomplish the task
Task description is clear and highlights criteria and standards
- Rationale for doing the task is explained
The rationale describes how the task will benefit students in their learning for that particular course.
The rationale describes how the task will benefit students in their learning for that particular course and other related courses.
The rationale describes how the task will benefit students in their learning in that particular lesson, in other related lesson and in their future lesson/year levels.
- Self-assessment is used to actively engage students in the assessment process
Self-assessment is encouraged
Student self-assessment capabilities are developed prior to asking them to engaged in self-assessment
Self-assessment approach is included. Students are required to integrate the results of self-assessment into their final output
- Peer- assessment are used to actively engage students in the assessment process
Peer-assessment is encouraged
Peer-assessment is an integral part of the whole learning and teaching activities
Peer- assessment approach is included. Students are required to integrate the results of peer assessment into their final output
- Feedback provided is designed to help student calibrate their own judgments about their work
Some contents of the feedback are irrelevant to criteria/standards.
Provide timely and appropriate feedback to students about their achievement relative to the criteria
Provide useful feedback based on informed and timely judgements of student work with emphasis on student needs to progress to improve their work
- Opportunities to use feedback to improve learning are provided
Give feedback at the end of the course.
Encourage students to seek feedback before submitting their final output
Provide feedback and give enough time for students to revise their work incorporating the feedback.
- Other AfL practices/innovations