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[Solved] Describe the role of an inspector in a department of corrections?

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[Solved] Describe the role of an inspector in a department of corrections?

Innovations in Correction

Critical Thinking Exercise provide answers only in order. make sure to let me know the ch. and question # you are answering. Short answers will do. High school level responses to material.please submit any work completed prior to deadline. Thanks! One page response. The sentencing goals of corrections are punishment, deterrence, incapitation, rehailitation and restitution. As stated in your text, society expects prision staff to persue all of the goals in the management of criminals housed behind their walls. Your job as a new warden is to pick two of the goals and develop a system that will be efective in dealing with your inmates.Use information from chapter 1 to help you with your plan.Explain why your plan is a “best practices” format.Defend your choices. Chapter 3 Discussion Questions: 1) What role did John Howard play in the early development of jails? 2) What are the advantages of a regional jail? 3) List the potential reasons for the increase in the jail incarceration rate over the past decade 4) Describe the normal booking process in a jail. 5) Describe the problems associated with the use of the classification systems in jails. 6) Describe the impact of the Bell v Wolfish decision on modern jail operations. Chapter 4 Disussion Questions: 1) What are the primary emphases of probation supervision? 2) Differentiate between the casework and surveillance styles of probprobation supervision? 3) Differentiate between standard and special conditions of probation. 4) What are the two types of probavised probation violation? 5) Describe the results of evaluations regarding intensive supervised probation. 6) Describe the operation of boot camp. Chapter 5 Discussion 1) What is the general mission of correctional agencies? 2) How does the new peneology affect the increase in the use of incarceration? 3) What three prisions were included in the Three Penitentary Act of 1891? 4) Discuss the Scentencing Reform Act of 1984 and the results 5) Describe the physical security factors that go with prision security levels (minimum, medium,maximum) 6) Descrie the most controversial issues in the use “for-profit” private companies to house inmates. 7) Compare and contrast the federal and stat prision systems 8) Based on information from this chapter regarding the future of private prisions, what is you your opinion of the success of the instutions? Chapter Six Discussion Questions: 1) tem of release implemented by Alexander Macinochie on the Norfolk Island penal colony. 2) Describe the four stages of releaser implemented by Sir Walter Crofton in the Irish System. 3) How did Elmira Refamatory move toward the implementation of system parole and the medical model 4) How did the Martinson findings of “nothing works” impact the use of parole and the medical model 5) Compare and contrast parole, supervised manodatory release, and unconditional mandatory release 6) Name and describe the two types of parole conditions 7) List the due process rights prescribed by Morrissey v. Brewer decision Critical Thinking One page response. The role and mission of prisions have changed significantly in the last fifty years along with public opinion. Cost of incarciration has soared.The most controersial trend is “for profit” private companies. To house inmates to relieve over crowding. You own the “Texas Hold Em` Correctional Center.” Describe what programs and security your company offers. What is the cost to taxpayers? What innovated ideas do you offer that state and federal facilities don`t?Would you specialize in certain types of criminals? If so, which offenders would you choose? Chapter Seven Discussion Questions: 1) What has been the primary factor in the growth in the number of individuals under correctional supervision over the past twenty years? 2) Compar the increase in females vs. males in terms of the number under correctional supervision 3) What percentage of people arested for violent felonies are male? 4) Why are women now scentenced similarly to male offenders? 5) What percentage of the prision population is female? 6) List some of the special problems faced by female inmattes 7) Describe the impact that the case of Barefield v. Leach has had on the operation of female prisions 8) Describe the challenge facing women prisioners as mothers 9) What was in the impact of the Barefield v. Leach has had on the operation of female prisions. 10) Describe the challenge facing women prisioners as mothers. 11) What was the impact in the Barefield v. Leach and Pargo v. Elliot court cases on programming for female inmates Chapter EightDiscussion: 1) What trends have resulted from the rates of crime over the past decade? 2) List three possible theories for the rise of juvinile violent crime between 1988 and 1944. 3) How did the term “super predator” develop, and what does it mean for the future of juvinile violent crime 4) What is a waiver to adult courts, and why are some juvenile offenders handled in adult criminal courts rather than juvinille courts? 5) What are the four categories of juvenille offenders and how are each managed in the juvinile justice system? 6) How does the typical mission of juvinile justice agency differ from the mission of an adult correctional agency? 7) Describe the process followed as a juvinile moves through the juvinile justice system and compare it to the adult criminal justice system. 8) What was the most significant outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in In re Gualt? 9) How do juvenile street gangs contribute to street crime and what two approaches are taken to control gang behavior? Chapter Nine Discussion Questions: 1)Why does a special offender require special handling while under correctional supervision? 2)What forces encouraged the movement toward the wavier of juveniles into adult courts? 3)Explain the distinction between drug offenders and drug addicts. 4) List the reasons for the insreased proportion of elderly inmates in the prision population. 5) Why have supermax prisions become such an attractive option for the management of violent or seriously disruptive inmates? 6) Why do sex offenders present such a difficult challenge for management in both community and instutional setting? 7) Why do sex offenders present such a difficult challenge for management of violent or seriously disruptive inmates? 8) Idenitfy the various categories of offenders with infectious diseases 9) What is the rate of confirmed cases of HIV among inmates, and how does this compare to the rate of those affected with the virus in the nonprision population? Critical Thinking One page response.Read the case study on page 265. What do you believe should have been the outcome for justice in this case.Should this juvenille be charged as an adult? Why or why not? Should the parents have been held accountable? Why or why not? Chapter Ten Discussion Questions: 1) Describe the role of an inspector in a department of corrections? 2) Describe the last three functoins of custody, treatment, and services within a prision organization 3) How does unit management contribute to the management of a prision? 4) List five sanctions that can be taken against inmates for failure to abide by prision rules 5) What processes are available for inmattes for failure to abide by prsion rules 6) What is the role of a correctional counselor in a department of corrections of prision? 7) Disucuss in detail the process of collective barganing. 8) What is the main purpose of employee award program. Chapter Eleven Discussion Questions: 1) Describe the Zimbardo expperiment and its results 2) List methods correctional agencies use to control prision gangs 3) What percentage of inmates in state and federal prisions are serving sentences for drug offenses? 4) How do drugs get into prisions? 5) How does the inmate culture in women`s prision differ from a men`s prision? 6) Define the concept of prizionization and explain its impact on inmates. 7) Describe the way “pseudo-families” function in women`s prisions 8) Describe the activities within “total institutions” that Goffman believes prevents inmates from successfully returning and adapting to cummunity living. Chapter Twelve Discussion Questions: 1) Prisions have many staff other than correctional officers. List five other staff positions within a prision. 2) How does staff empowerment expand the effectiveness of prision operations beyond the traditional use of issuing orders through the chain of command? 3) How does staff control prisions in modern times? 4) What percentage of all prision staff are correctional officers? 5) Describe the job of a correctional officer. 6) What are the three causes of stress for correctional officers. 7) How do correctional officers gain the compliance of inmates? 8) What are service departments within a prision? 9) How did Gunther v. Iowa affect the employment of women as correctional officers in men`s prisions? 10) Approximately what percentage of state and federal correctional officers are female? Chapter Thirteen Discusssion Questions: 1) What is the defination of custody and treatment? 2) List the eight types of activities that contribute to the security and custody functions within a prision. 3) Define inmate accountability and list the key components to maintaining inmate accountability in a prision 4) What is the difference between controlled movement and a pass system 5) How do random counts prevent inmates from planning escape around the other two types of counts? 6) How is a shadow board used to control contraband? 7) What does it take for a precipitating event to cause a prison riot? 8) Explain how contraband comes into the possession of inmates and specify procedures to prevent it from ocuring. 9) Describe the importance of prision religious programs and how they are delivered. 10) Describe the various types of educational and vocational programs provided in prisions. Chapter Fourteen Discussion Questions: 1) What is the hands off doctrine, and in what case did the U.S. Supreme Court abandon it? 2) Define cruel and unusual punishment in regard to prision conditions. 3) How many states currently have a statute allowing the death penalty? 4) What dramatic step did Governor George Ryan of Illinois take in 2003 while expressing concerns about the fallibility of the death penalty. 5) Describe evidence of the deferrent effect of the death penalty. 6) What dramatic step did Governor George Ryan of Illinois take in 2003 while expressing concerns about the fallibility of the death penalty? 7) Explain how the First, Fourth, Eighth, and Fourtheenth Amendments to the U.S. Constution create a basis for inamtes lawsuits. 8) Explain how recent court decisions and congretional actions have limited the filing of inmate lawsuits. Critical Thinking Exercise: In a one page resonse.Contrast and compare corrections officers of past decades with the caliber of officers today. What are some of the major differences? Your text has discussed various jobs available in corrections.Discuss why the turnover rate is so high. What are some of the dangers of the job? What factors of prision life cause correctional officers stress? Would you consider a position in a correctional facility? Why or why not? I have purchased the ebook from http://www.coursesmart.com/bookshelf. I have created an account for this assignment. I will disable the acount upon completion of this assignment. Use my email [email protected] as the login name. The password is lobster1(all lower case).
Innovations in Correctionby:[student`s name][course number][date of submission]Innovations in CorrectionChapter 1: Choosig two goals of corrections and developing a system in line with these goalsAs has been mentioned in the book, there are five goals to corrections: punishment, deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation and restitution. As a new warden, I would like to focus on two goals: restitution and rehabilitation.Restitution is important because it helps victims feel the justice in the sentence awarded. Because they are involved in the process of adjudication, revenge crimes can be prevented (Seiter, 2011, p. 34). Moreover, despite the wrong done against victims by including them in the sentencing of perpetrators, they can start trusting the government mechanism for justice and they can start to live normally again.Also, is the use of chain gangs that work in community service is another advantage of restitution (Seiter, 2011, p. 33). Though this move, the government save money for infrastructure projects since they no longer have to pay for manual laborers. On the other hand, inmates do not become freeloaders – they earn their keep.Rehabilitation is another important goal because it helps convicts to reintegrate with society after serving their sentence. This way, they can begin to have a normal life and hopefully prevent them from returning to crime (Seiter, 2011, p. 32). All too often, when convicts get out of prison, they are unable to get employment. Some of these convicts may revert to petty crimes such as theft and robbery. By teaching inmates livelihood skills, they can earn income and empower them when they go back to their own communities.Chapter 2:1) What role did John Howard play in the early development of jails?John Howard was one of the early jail reformers who pushed for the English penitentiary Act that allowed for “secure and sanitary structures, systematic inspections, and sanitary structures, systematic inspections”ADDIN Mendeley Citation{c56f98a1-2717-4317-9f04-6f6c51005601} CSL_CITATION { "citationItems" : [ { "id" : "ITEM-1", "itemData" : { "author" : [ { "family" : "Seiter", "given" : "Richard P." } ], "edition" : "3rd", "id" : "ITEM-1", "issued" : { "date-parts" : [ [ "2011" ] ] }, "publisher" : "Prentice Hall", "title" : "Corrections: An Introduction", "type" : "book" }, "uris" : [ "http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=c56f98a1-2717-4317-9f04-6f6c51005601" ] } ], "mendeley" : { "manualFormatting" : "(Seiter, 2011, pp.19-20)", "previouslyFormattedCitation" : "(Seiter, 2011)" }, "properties" : { "noteIndex" : 0 }, "schema" : "https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json" } (Seiter, 2011, pp.19-20).2) What are the advantages of a regional jail?Regional jails are able to take advantage of the economies of scale so it`s much cheaper to operate. Moreover, it is able to hire more workers and serve larger communities. Unlike smaller jails, regional jails are well-fu...

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[Solved] Describe the role of an inspector in a department of corrections? [Solved] Describe the role of an inspector in a department of corrections?
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