Advertising, the good as well as the bad[Student`s name][Institutional affiliation]Advertising, the good as well as the badVarious advertising campaigns have recently been carried out within the United States, some of which have been effective while others have not been effective. This paper aims at highlighting an effective advertising campaign and also an ineffective campaign. Description of an effective campaign within United States I consider the advertising campaign concerning anti-smoking within the United States as an effective process. This advertising campaign targeted the youths so as to save them from the various dangers associated with smoking. Adverts were highlighted within various media types such as televisions, wherein important information bits concerning the various dangers associated with smoking were pointed out. For instance, the advertising campaign made youths aware that smoking had the capacity to bring about various dangers to them as follows. For instance, smoking would expose them to heart disease risks, asthma and also lung diseases. It would also expose individuals to emphysema, lung cancer and other illnesses. According to the advertising campaign, the various illnesses highlighted above would manifest among middle aged individuals or old people who have smoked over a long ...