Executive Summary
Clear & comprehensive summary of Security and Risk assessments that highlights all major issues
Detailed summary of Security and Risk assessments that highlights most major issues
Good summary of Security and Risk assessments that highlights many major issues
Adequate summary of Security and Risk assessments that highlights some major issues
Inadequate or incomplete summary of Security and Risk assessments that highlights few or no major issues
Recommended Model
Clear & comprehensive summary of reasons for selecting model that highlights all major issues
Detailed summary of reasons for selecting model that highlights most major issues
Good summary of reasons for selecting model that highlights many major issues
Adequate summary of reasons for selecting model that highlights many major issues
Inadequate or incomplete summary of reasons for selecting model that highlights little or no major issues
Information Security Assessment
Clear, comprehensive assessment of InfoSec issues, critical points identified & discussed,
Detailed assessment of InfoSec issues, most critical points identified & discussed,
Good assessment of InfoSec issues, many critical points identified & discussed,
Adequate assessment of InfoSec issues, some critical points identified & discussed,
Inadequate or incomplete assessment of InfoSec issues, few or no critical points identified & discussed,
Risk Management Assessment
Clear, comprehensive description of Risk Management issues, critical points identified & discussed,
Detailed description of Risk Management issues, many critical points identified & discussed,
Good description of Risk Management issues, many critical points identified & discussed,
Adequate description of Risk Management issues, some critical points identified & discussed,
Inadequate or incomplete description of Risk Management issues, critical points identified & discussed,
Spelling, Grammar, Presentation
Up to 5 marks may be deducted for poor presentation, spelling and grammar
APA referencing
Up to 5 marks may be deducted for not providing or following the proper APA style of referencing. Note that the guide for APA referencing is provided in the Resource Section of the ITC561 Interact site.