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[Solved] dentifying and Isolating Microbes from the Environment

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[Solved] dentifying and Isolating Microbes from the Environment

dentifying and Isolating Microbes from the Environment


this paper has to be writteN in in a research from. it must have am abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
i will be attaching a copy of the school lab`s manual so you can read the protocol of the methods and be able to write them in sentences just like any scientific report please. also i will be attaching the figuires and the graphs that you will have to use in order to write down the results section well.
The introduction: it has to be from broad to specific about microbes (there will be a complete attached form of the protocol and a background about the experiment, a hypothesis is not required at all)
Methods: has to be in past form completely with sub-titles. Make sure to write them in sentences and use the numbers as they are written in the protocol. (DONT COPY the protocol because it is written as a recipe cook book. it has to be in complete sentences in the past form while using all of the values mentioned in the protocol (numbers, name of solutions..etc)
Results: you will have to put all of the tables and images i will post as well then write a fig. and a brief 4 sentences about that fig so that the reader may know what does this fig talks about. Then you have interprent the raw data from the figs in the results section. (just like any scientific report)
Discussion: here you gonna talk about in deep about the results and you will mention why does some of the sequences didnt work. in addition, compare between the microbes we sequenced..etc
i will further explain once i post all of the attachments
you will use 6 sources and they are only gonna be on the introduction and discussion only.
I expect all of those sequences to be BLASTED and included in the results and expanded upon in the discussion, along with the image of the gel, a written summary of the table in excel, where you talk about the diversity in the colonies found in each built environment, as well as a table with the DNA concentrations and 260/280 ratio (as these can be used to discuss why your sequencing for some of the samples may not have worked in the discussion section). You should also include what organism(s) were found where, but save the explanation of those organisms for the discussion
i have already sequenced and blasted the organisms and they are attached on a word file for you. out of 8 only 3 we were able to blast and know what microbe they are.
please dont forget the ciatation page to be alone and you may use both Primary and Secondary sources
the table colony data (sheet- section 15) you will not put the table on the paper, you have to only interpret the data on the results sections in deep manners.
in all of the excel files, Use only -SECTION 15- Data not section 12


Name Course Instructor Date Identifying and isolating microbes from the environment Abstract Microbes are found in different locations and surface types, and researchers have in the past relied on culturing microbes to isolate and identify the microbes. Increasingly, DNA sequencing has been utilized as a more effective way to identify microbial characteristics in the built environment different samples were collected in the biology lab and the hallway where gram staining and 16S rRNA sequencing was conducted to identify the various microbes on the surfaces. After analysis, Micrococcus luteus strain, uncultured bacterium clone and staphylococcus sp strains were identified, but the other five could not be identified. Sequential analysis was possible through the use of FINCH and BLAST programs, and gel image was also utilized for analysis. Human contact was identified as a strong predictor of microbes form the built environment, while spatial proximity, the location and the time the study was conducted could also explain microbial diversity. Introduction Microorganisms are everywhere in the built environment and culturing the microbes is necessary to identify the microbes present in this environment. Even as this approach has been used over time there is a drawback since some microbes cannot be cultured. DNA sequencing is equally cheap and effective since it is possible to identify the microbes when here are no cultures.

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  • Title: [Solved] dentifying and Isolating Microbes from the Environment
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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[Solved] dentifying and Isolating Microbes from the Environment [Solved] dentifying and Isolating Microbes from the Environment
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