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Demonstrate understanding of relationships between sexualities in the UK, in other states, and in international/global sexual poli

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Demonstrate understanding of relationships between sexualities in the UK, in other states, and in international/global sexual politics.

Course Aims

The course forms part of the Department`s Honours programme in Sociology and its aims embody the intentions of this programme. The principle aim is to build on some of the central themes of the Level 1 and 2 modules and provide students with a sound knowledge and critical understanding of the study of Sociology. More specifically, the module aims:

■ To develop knowledge of theoretical perspectives on sexualities in the social sciences and social theory.

■ To develop knowledge of empirical social research on sexualities in the UK and specific societies worldwide, in global context.

■ To develop knowledge of non-governmental organizations, transnational social movements, government policy and conceptions of human rights as they relate to sexualities.

■ To enable students to enhance their transferable and inter-personal skills, particularly in communication, time management, individual and group research work, and critical appraisal of consumption-related issues.

■ To enable students to develop a wide range of skills that will meet the demands of the modern labour market.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of this course students will be able to:

■ Analyse the relationship between theoretical perspectives, empirical research and policy perspectives on sexualities.

■ Explain examples of the disjunctures between identity, subjectivity and action with respect to sexuality.

■ Demonstrate understanding of relationships between sexualities in the UK, in other states, and in international/global sexual politics.

■ Argue from competing perspectives on issues in sexual politics, using oral presentation skills.

■ Research the activities and perspectives of organizations via retrieval and analysis of primary sources from the internet.

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  • Title: Demonstrate understanding of relationships between sexualities in the UK, in other states, and in international/global sexual politics.
  • Price: £ 99
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Papers
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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Demonstrate understanding of relationships between sexualities in the UK, in other states, and in international/global sexual politics. Demonstrate understanding of relationships between sexualities in the UK, in other states, and in international/global sexual politics.
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