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[Solved] Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major outcome that will be used to apprai

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[Solved] Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major outcome that will be used to appraise the success of the project and how it contributes to answering the question (80 words per outcome= 240)

Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes


Please see the attached instructions. i am placing two orders, pls give it to the same writer , so that the idea will flow. this paper has 10 ten sections, i have completed 1-4. the writer need to complet 5-9. I included word count for each number. PLS DO NOT GIVE MY PAPER TO A PERSON WITHOUT MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE AND BACKGROUND. There is a list of recommended books but you can use other books that can be accessed electronically. It has to be a book please, not a journal!


Appendix A: Outcomes Synthesis Portfolio - Course Artifact


Purpose: To assess the synthesis and application of key course concepts (Objectives 1-6)


Due date:


Points: 300



This assignment is the final assignment in the course. It is an outcomes synthesis portfolio summarizing how the concepts, processes, and procedures studied during the course have been synthesized and applied to an evidence-based practice project. The paper will apply a style similar to that described for methodological articles in the APA Publication Manual (6th ed., p. 10-11).


  1. Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major outcome that will be used to appraise the success of the project and how it contributes to answering the question (80 words per outcome= 240)
    1. Attach a data collection plan (table)
  2. Methods of Measuring Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each metric that will be used to measure each major outcome and what is known about its reliability and validity (100 words per outcome = 300)
  3. Implications of Outcomes for Quality Management – Explanation of how the outcomes relate to current local, regional, or national QM initiatives (300)
  4. Ethical Balance – Description of ethical choices addressed in project design (300)
  5. Sustainability Plan for Translating Evidence into Practice – Explanation of how a successful project would be translated into a sustainable change in practice (300)
  6. References
Outcome SynthesisAuthor`s NameInstitution5. Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost OutcomesThe clinical outcome to be measured is medication adherence. In this case, adherence is the extent to which the African American hypertensive male will take antihypertensives as prescribed by the caregiver at Tri-City clinic. Nonetheless, it is imperative to realize that adherence encompasses other behaviors that extend beyond the pharmaceuticals prescribed by the caregiver (Kaplan & Victor, 2009). This outcome is important as it determines the disease progression and prognosis. It is clear that effectiveness of antihypertensives will only be realized if the patients follow the treatment regimen in a reasonably close manner (Kaplan & Victor, 2009).Two satisfaction outcomes will be measured. These include patient and staff satisfaction (Kleinpell, 2013). The patient satisfaction is an imperative variable that defines the likelihood of a successful treatment plan. Increased patient satisfaction influences on adherence to the antihypertensive regimen. Patient satisfaction measure will be applied to African American males being managed for hypertension at the Tri-City clinic. Caregiver satisfaction is imperative as it boosts the morale and confidence; hence has a direct influence on the management of the patient. The satisfaction levels of the caregivers at the Tri-City clinic will be measured in this respect.On the cost outcome, the estimated hospital charges saved in treating hypertensive patients will be measured (Muennig, 2008). US dollars will be the denomination employed in measurement of outcome. In addition, the cost per patient visit will also be measured. This will apply to only the African American males being treated for hypertension. Improvement in medication adherence will lead to a decreased cost to both the clinic and patient. This is because disease complications, which are costly to treat, will be avoided (Muennig, 2008).6. Methods of Measuring Cl...

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  • Title: [Solved] Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major outcome that will be used to appraise the success of the project and how it contributes to answering the question (80 words per outcome= 240)
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved] Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major outcome that will be used to appraise the success of the project and how it contributes to answering the question (80 words per outcome= 240) [Solved] Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major outcome that will be used to appraise the success of the project and how it contributes to answering the question (80 words per outcome= 240)
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