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Define corporate events and identify the unique characteristics of conferences and award events

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Define corporate events and identify the unique characteristics of conferences and award events



You are assuming the role of an events agency and have been asked to submit a written proposal which outlines and justifies your plans for a gala dinner and awards event.

Client Profile:

The client is a UK-based professional body for the fashion industry. The professional body has 400 members, who predominately work as designers and retailers in the fashion clothing industry. Every two months the professional body organises an event designed to provide their membership with a short educational training session and an opportunity for networking. Once a year they organise a gala dinner and awards night which recognises the successes of its members.

The client has asked you to provide a proposal for the gala awards event. You will need to provide a theme for this event which will encourage the membership to attend.

Event Objective:

The event will last a total of 6 hours and must be located in central London. You have been asked to identify a theme for the event, a suitable venue, and suggest arrangements for the awards night. It is expected that approximately 150 members will attend if the theme is interesting and appropriate – as members pay for their own tickets they will only attend if they think they will find the event beneficial and enjoyable.

Participant profile:

The profile of attendees is that of senior and middle managers of the fashion clothing industry in the UK. Their ages range from 26-61 years and the gender divide is roughly 65% women and 35% men.


The professional body is prepared to subsidise the event by £25 per head and each attendee will pay a maximum of £100 to attend the event (although most will only pay this maximum amount for a truly stunning event). Sponsorship also brings in an additional £3500. There is no requirement to make a profit on this event but all costs - including that of your services - must be covered. Estimated pricing will be sufficient for the purpose of this bid.

The individual report should focus on ONE venue

(Entrance and Sackler Room, Museum of London) or

(Balmoral Room, Grand Connaught Rooms) or

(Gibson Hall), or

(Cornwall Suite, Grand Connaught Rooms)

up to you which one to choose to fit into the budget.  


1. Part One (essential criteria)

Part one of the report (1,150 words) should summarise the key theoretical ideas which underpin venue selection, food and beverage selection, budgetary controls and event measurement.

The style of presentation and writing for this section should follow traditional academic report approach. You MUST use academic literature to support this section of your report.


2. Part Two (essential criteria)

Part two of the report (1,600 words) is written as a bid document for the client and should use an appropriate tone of voice/language for this audience.

Your bid proposal should include details on:

 A brief overview of the theme for the gala awards dinner.

 The venue chosen for the event, with justification for this choice

 A program which details the timings of the event, including a detailed explanation of the schedule for the awards presentation.

 Suggested menu and drinks options for the event, along with a rationale for the choices.

 Suggested entertainment for the event

 An explanation of how the event will be measured to evaluate success

 An outline budget which addresses income (including the ticket price) and expenditure, with commentary on the commercial rational in relation to event objectives

(You should provide reference for the sources of your information but in this section there is no requirement to reference academic sources.)

Part one should take the style of a traditional academic report.  You need to explain the theoretical concepts which underpin venue selection, food and beverage selection, budgetary controls and event measurement.  You need to explain the theory (using academic sources to support your arguments) that explains the factors which influence decisions on selection of venues, food, etc), budgetary control, measurement, etc. 

Part two is a tender document (ie your bid for the right to be paid to organise this event) .  Tone of voice may differ because you may choose to use the first or second person if you feel this will sell your proposal more effectively to the client.  What you need to cover is determined by the list of 7 points in the assessment details of the module guide.


Assessment criteria:

1. Relevance to the question logically structured and clearly argued.

2. Understanding of concepts and theories related to events.

3. Use of relevant academic literature, supported by accurate referencing.

4. Conclusions/Recommendations -drawn from arguments and evidence

5. Standard of presentation: Information and arguments presented in a clear, accurate and interesting manner


 Define corporate events and identify the unique characteristics of conferences and award events

 Evaluate the commercial imperatives in delivering such events

 Explain the key logistical issues which shape successful delivery of conferences and award events

 Synthesise the demands of creative and commercial thinking driving delivery

 Apply the principles of event planning through a hypothetical event proposal

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  • Title: Define corporate events and identify the unique characteristics of conferences and award events
  • Price: £ 88
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Research Paper Queries
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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Define corporate events and identify the unique characteristics of conferences and award events Define corporate events and identify the unique characteristics of conferences and award events
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