Consideration in Automated Recruitment: A Case study of an Educational PublisherStudent:Professor:Course title:Date: Use of Data Mining and Social MediaPre-screening of job applicants through automated means can be accomplished at a lower cost, allowing recruiters and human resources managers to interview only the best-qualified applicants. Use of data mining and social media can result in successful pre-screening of job applicants. For instance, the use of automated recruitment method for Educational Publishers resulted into a substantial cost savings for the company’s human resource operations. These savings majorly emanated from the reduced turnover and staffing costs as well as the general cost of operations. Because of using automated systems in its recruitments, the education publisher realized a significant improvement and efficiency in its hiring processes. Further, this system also enabled the publisher to realize an increased yield of required or high quality applicants (Buckely et al, 2004, 239, Heading, Discussion). According to Faliagka et al (2012), social media could be a minefield in selection of job applicants. In essence, social media has altered the manner in which organizations recruit, source and select employees (551, Introduction). Data mining on the other hand, is a computer science field that deals with artificial intelligence, epidemiology, algorithm development, data base management and processing of data in identifying patterns in large sets of data. In particular, mining of data from internet sources may be helpful in discovering new information about potential employees and their qualifications.