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[Solved] Concept Of Analysis

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[Solved] Concept Of Analysis

Concept Of Analysis


Concept Analysis Paper Description In this paper you will demonstrate scholarly, graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge. Your final paper will be 7–10 pages (excluding title page and references), using APA format with at least 8–10 scholarly nursing sources of information. Directions: For your final submission, you will take a concept of interest to you and develop it into a final concept analysis paper. You may choose to apply your Unit 3 concept to this Assignment, or you may select another single word (concept) that you have wondered about or discovered in your readings. The Unit 9 Assignment will focus solely upon the discipline of nursing with the inclusion of nursing scholarly sources to substantiate the literature review. Locate evidenced-based articles (based on research studies in nursing) that use the concept or discuss the concept. Scholarly sources can be obtained through the Kaplan University online library. PLEASE USE THIS TEXT BOOK AS ONE RESOUCE: Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby Please confer with your instructor if you are not sure about your concepts or sources. For this paper you will: •Identify the concept and purpose for studying the concept. •Describe reasons for this concept being of interest to nursing and its body of knowledge. •Define the attributes of the concept and relevant uses. •Provide a summary of the concept as described in each article with examples of how the term was defined. •Provide the theoretical and operational definition of the concept based on the review of literature. (Theoretical is pure definition and operational is how it is used in practice.) •Apply the concept as it relates to your practice and how you will use this concept in the future. •Describe the value of these concept analyses to your understanding of nursing knowledge.

Concept Of AnalysisName:Institution:Date:MentoringAbstractDue to the large number of technical and emotional demands that are associated with the nursing profession mentoring new nurses is important for the successful transition into their professional practice. Feedback that is obtained from the new nurses regarding mentorship programs provide information that is important in enhancing or restructuring the mentorship programs. Moreover, nursing leadership is in a critical state hence creating the need to identify effective approaches for sustaining and developing nurse leaders. Mentoring has been established as an invaluable tool for attracting, training, and retaining nurse leaders. Concept analysis of mentoring is important as an initial step in developing a theoretical background and a conceptual definition of the concept (Alligood, 2014). The examination of mentoring especially in regards to nurse leadership provides an understanding of the importance of mentoring nurse leaders and also mentoring new nurses in the healthcare system (Hodgson & Scanlan, 2013). This paper will analyze the concept of mentoring and the concept analysis model developed by Walker and Avant will be used for analysis.IntroductionMentoring is a relationship between novice and experienced nurses and is among the best practices that foster careers in nursing for new nurses and the nurses that are in transition, nurse leaders and those that experience burnout. Mentorship differs from the model of preceptorship that places its focus on clinical factors and is time limited in regards to helping nurses adapt to their new environments and positions (Wagner & Seymour, 2007). Mentorship is a humanistic relational model for enriching clinical practice with a deeper and holistic focus aimed at nurturing the whole individual (Wagner & Seymour, 2007).Moreover, literature has paid much attention to the critical state of development of nurse leadership and the need to establish the most eff...

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  • Title: [Solved] Concept Of Analysis
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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