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[Solved] Clarify the major themes and ideas discussed in the 8 attached references files.

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[Solved] Clarify the major themes and ideas discussed in the 8 attached references files.

Evo-Devo- Evolutionary Development Mechanism


Dear Writer, 1)Clarify the major themes and ideas discussed in the 8 attached references files. 2)Put these ideas in a coherent order. 3)Make the writing clear, accurate and thorough. 4)Make the sentences simple, short and direct. Thanks


Themes and Ideas: Evolution DevelopmentEvo-Devo- Evolutionary Development Mechanism:In this article, Bonner (2000) notes that Evolutionary development Biology is a discipline which is concerned with discovering and being able to understand the role of the changes in the development of living mechanisms in the origin of the phenotype. The Evo-Devo therefore explains how the phenotypes which were multiple life history stages arose in many organisms from one genotype. The scientist notes that the changes which occurred in the positioning and timing of aspects of development in a very descendant relative to an ancestor (Heterochrony and heterotopy) were the two main mechanisms of development identified by Ernst in 1870`s. The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm: A critique of the Adapatationish Programme-S.J Gould and R.C Lewontin Evolutionists in the Continental Europe have never been attracted and interested to the Anglo-American Penchant which atomized the organisms into various parts and tried to explain each part as a direct adaptation (Lewontin, 1978). Their general alternatives existed both in weak and strong form. Major theorists, Remane, Grasse, and Schindewolf advocated for the strong form in which under natural selection, the adaptation programme best explained the superficial modifications that fitted the structure to the environment. 

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  • Title: [Solved] Clarify the major themes and ideas discussed in the 8 attached references files.
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
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[Solved] Clarify the major themes and ideas discussed in the 8 attached references files. [Solved] Clarify the major themes and ideas discussed in the 8 attached references files.
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