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[Solved] Choose an IT improvement area and prepare a proposal and project plan (including a quality plan). You need to cover the c

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[Solved] Choose an IT improvement area and prepare a proposal and project plan (including a quality plan). You need to cover the context of the project, the benefits of the proposed solution, the overall project management approach, the work breakdown structure an


Task 1 – 30 Marks Individual proposal Choose an IT improvement area and prepare a proposal and project plan (including a quality plan). You need to cover the context of the project, the benefits of the proposed solution, the overall project management approach, the work breakdown structure and the project timing/sequence. If you choose an IT improvement area other than the ones listed in the case study, you should document any assumptions you have made and the sources of research that have led you to this choice. You must submit this work as an individual project proposal document addressed to EcoNewWorld. The word count for this proposal document is 1500 words.

Task 2 – 40 Marks Group or individual evaluation Most students will perform this task as a group evaluation. If this is not possible, carry out this task as an individual evaluation, as set out below. Group evaluation

 Students are assigned to project teams, normally consisting of between 2 and 4 students.

 Teams choose TWO (2) projects with different topics or approaches and critically evaluate alternative project management approaches to the proposed projects (e.g. agile, waterfall, spiral, other). In the evaluation, different toolsets should be examined and the mix of tools and techniques that are suitable to be used for each project determined. Discussion of the use of tools and techniques should be illustrated using the chosen projects.

 Compare the two projects and select ONE

(1). Justify your selection and the selection criteria used. Groups must submit:

 An evaluation document identifying and justifying the most suitable approach, tools and techniques to be employed for each chosen project.

 A submission justifying and detailing the selected project. The team may choose which of the following formats to deliver the submission in. o A single document o A PowerPoint presentation supported by notes The word count for this co-authored report is 2000 words. Individual evaluation Select ONE (1) project and critically evaluate alternative approaches to the proposed project (e.g. agile, waterfall, spiral, other). In your evaluation, discuss different toolsets and the mix of tools and techniques that are suitable to be used for this project. Suggest ways in which an effective project team can be built and motivated. Support and illustrate your discussions using the chosen project. Page 4 of 6 Project Management

 An evaluation document identifying and justifying the most suitable approach, tools and techniques to be employed for the project, and suggesting ways in which an effective project team can be built and motivated. You may choose which of the following formats to deliver the submission in. o A single document o A PowerPoint presentation supported by notes o A podcast The word count for this task is 1000 words. 

 Critically evaluate the academic literature relating to project success, specifically with respect to how risk and quality-planning methods aid success. Discuss how the success of the project might be evaluated.

 Self-reflect on your leaning experiences in completing the assignment, developmental needs revealed and ways of addressing them. What further development might you consider to improve your project management skills and knowledge? If you performed Task 2 as a group assignment, what was your individual contribution? Did you encounter any complexities due to working as a team?

 Discuss the importance and relevance of the project (including how it will be evaluated) to the case organisation. You must submit this work as an individual report. The word count for this report is 1500 words.

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  • Title: [Solved] Choose an IT improvement area and prepare a proposal and project plan (including a quality plan). You need to cover the context of the project, the benefits of the proposed solution, the overall project management approach, the work breakdown structure an
  • Price: £ 109
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Papers
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved] Choose an IT improvement area and prepare a proposal and project plan (including a quality plan). You need to cover the context of the project, the benefits of the proposed solution, the overall project management approach, the work breakdown structure an [Solved] Choose an IT improvement area and prepare a proposal and project plan (including a quality plan). You need to cover the context of the project, the benefits of the proposed solution, the overall project management approach, the work breakdown structure an
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