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[Solved] Challenges to Resort Management Professionals

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[Solved] Challenges to Resort Management Professionals

Challenges to Resort Management Professionals


Directions: Initially review the issues currently occurring in the resort management profession, such as economic challenges, market competition, staffing needs, and the like. Then select an issue of your choice and search the CSU Online Library for two articles pertaining to resort/hotel management. The articles should be less than three years old and exceed three pages in length. Analyze and evaluate the articles as to their relevance in today`s marketplace and organize your Article Critique as follows: • Part 1 of the critique consists of the identification of the articles. Be certain that you provide readers with enough information about the articles so they will be able to locate them. • Part 2 presents an abstract of each article in which you briefly summarize the main points the author established. • Part 3 offers your actual critique of the articles. You are to provide your reaction (insightful, critical, and logical) to the points the authors made. A simple statement of agreement or disagreement is not sufficient. While you may make such a statement by way of an introduction to your reaction, you must clearly and logically state the reasons for the position you have taken toward the data presented within the articles. Required length of your paper: minimum of 1,000 words. Use APA formatting and documentation.


Article Critique Name: Institution: Course: Date: Challenges to resort management professionals Resort management has experienced quite a number of challenges in current years. For resort management professional, it has been a real struggle trying to stay ahead of the curve and beating the odds in an increasing volatile market and industry at large. The business landscape is constantly changing and the professional in the industry have to constantly keep track while trying to predict they next strategy ahead of the next turn. One of the aspects that have rocked the industry is green hospitality(Hotel-online.com, 2015). As the world looks for sustainable solutions to global warming and other environmental hazards, resorts are required to abide to the green economy strategies and strict environmental laws across the globe. Labor costs continue to be the single largest expense in the industry. ,with changes to the immigrations laws, proposals to raise minimum wages and unions power shifts among others, resort professionals are faced with a stiffer need to raise the revenues and cut down on unnecessary costs(Hotel-online.com, 2015). Cultural awareness is increasingly gaining popularity relative to the fact that hospitality industry is global and seeks talents from across the globe. Having relevant organizational cultures and policies is no longer a luxury but a requirement. 

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  • Title: [Solved] Challenges to Resort Management Professionals
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved] Challenges to Resort Management Professionals [Solved] Challenges to Resort Management Professionals
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