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[Solved]CFABAA614 Prepare to communicate in a business environment

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[Solved]CFABAA614 Prepare to communicate in a business environment

Relationship to NOS:

This unit is linked to the Business & Administration (2013) National Occupational Standards:

x CFABAA613 Understand how to communicate in a business environment

x CFABAA614 Prepare to communicate in a business environment

x CFABAA615 Communicate in a business environment.

Learning outcome

The learner will:

1. Understand business communication models, systems and processes.

1.1 analyse the communication needs of internal and external stakeholders

1.2 analyse the different communication models that support administration

1.3 evaluate the effectiveness of different communication systems

1.4 explain the factors that affect the choice of communication media

1.5 explain the importance of using correct: a. grammar b. sentence structure c. punctuation d. spelling e. conventions in business communications

1.6 explain the factors to be taken into account in planning and structuring different communication media

1.7 explain ways of overcoming barriers to communication

1.8 explain the use of communications theories and body language

1.9 explain proof-reading techniques for business communications. 

Learning outcome

The learner will:

2. Be able to communicate in writing in business.

2.1 identify the purpose and audience of the information to be communicated

2.2 select communication media that are appropriate to the audience and information to be communicated

2.3 present information in the: a. format b. layout c. style that is appropriate to the information to be communicated

2.4 follow agreed business practices when communicating in writing

2.5 adapt the style and content of a communication, appropriate to specific audiences

2.6 present written communications that are: a. clear b. expressed in correct grammar c. reflect what is intended

2.7 meet agreed deadlines in communicating with others.

Learning outcome

The learner will:

3. Be able to communicate verbally in business.

3.1 identify the: a. nature b. purpose c. audience d. use of the information to be communicated

3.2 use language that is correct and appropriate for the audience’s needs

3.3 use appropriate body language and tone of voice to reinforce messages

3.4 identify the meaning and implications of information that is communicated verbally

3.5 confirm that a recipient has understood correctly what has been communicated

3.6 respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation and in accordance with organisational policies and standards.

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  • Title: [Solved]CFABAA614 Prepare to communicate in a business environment
  • Price: £ 119
  • Post Date: 2024-08-28T18:23:38+00:00
  • Category: Assignment Requirements
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved]CFABAA614 Prepare to communicate in a business environment [Solved]CFABAA614 Prepare to communicate in a business environment
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