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Based on module case studies and theories of organisational structure, analyse how changes in structure have been driven by intern

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Based on module case studies and theories of organisational structure, analyse how changes in structure have been driven by internal or external factors.



Construction Managers are entering into a project-based industry. This brings together different combinations of clients, designers, constructors and suppliers for relatively short periods of time. The multidisciplinary characteristics of project teams present particular challenges for managers attempting to secure appropriate staff for projects at different stages and based in geographically dispersed locations. In effect, project teams form their own autonomous business units and this inevitably means that line managers must take responsibility for resource management and output delivery. The devolution of responsibility can often happen with little or no training or support.

Therefore, this module looks at issues of organizational structure, management, leadership, and risk management, to better enable graduates to lead and manage in a project-based environment.  The assessment is an individual essay submission but the seminar activities will be done in groups, which addresses the module learning objectives and also encourages a team based collaborative approach. Much of work in business practice is undertaken in teams, as discussed above with reference to project-2 based environments, hence the importance that initial preparation of the assessment also incorporates elements of group work.

Individual Essay Submission

An Individual submission which addresses the following tasks:


Task 1.

Based on module case studies and theories of organisational structure, analyse how changes in structure have been driven by internal or external factors. You should analyse why the new structure is, or is not, better able to cope with the external or internal factors which led to the change.


Task 2.

Based on module case studies and theories presented in the module, analyse how Porter’s five forces model can be used to identify key issues for a business. Illustrate your answer with at least two examples from case studies.


Task 3.

Based on the case studies you have discussed and theories of personal motivation, discuss the effectiveness of non-salary reward mechanisms. 

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  • Title: Based on module case studies and theories of organisational structure, analyse how changes in structure have been driven by internal or external factors.
  • Price: £ 119
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Research Paper Queries
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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Based on module case studies and theories of organisational structure, analyse how changes in structure have been driven by internal or external factors. Based on module case studies and theories of organisational structure, analyse how changes in structure have been driven by internal or external factors.
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