Balanced LiteracyName:Course:Professor Name:(March 20, 2012).Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819142" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc319819142 h 3 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819143" Main Body PAGEREF _Toc319819143 h 3 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819144" Listening PAGEREF _Toc319819144 h 3 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819145" Speaking PAGEREF _Toc319819145 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819146" Reading PAGEREF _Toc319819146 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819147" Writing PAGEREF _Toc319819147 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819148" Viewing PAGEREF _Toc319819148 h 5 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819149" Visual representation PAGEREF _Toc319819149 h 5 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819150" Application PAGEREF _Toc319819150 h 5 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819151" Reflection PAGEREF _Toc319819151 h 6 HYPERLINK l "_Toc319819152" References PAGEREF _Toc319819152 h 7Balanced LiteracyIntroductionBalanced Literacy is a methodology that integrates curricular modalities of instructions in literacy (Strickland, 2011). The model resonates with assessment based on planning. Balanced literacy identifies by instructions that are explicit in application of authentic texts. Teacher implements through differing modalities literacy program that are well planned reflecting effective control with gradual shifting of responsibilities from teachers to the students (Bennett, 2008). The models applied in literacy writing resonates with modeled writing or demonstration and interactive read aloud model (Tompkins, 2009). Reading and writing by the teacher incorporating the students identifies with guided reading, shared reading and shared interactive writing. The modalities reflecting reading and writing by students identifies with writing process which involves the conferring and observations from the teacher and independent reading with close conferring and observations from the teacher (Laura, 2008). Balanced literacy incorporates arts acquisition in oral and verbal communication.Main BodyListeningListening strategies enhance practice that increases the ability of the students in listening and subsequently taking notes (Tompkins, 2009). Listening is best done by the application of the following strategies; explaining whole body listening, giving examples and discussions, stressing the components constituted in the whole body listening and finally discussing the visualization. Listening is critical in letting the pic...