Asthma in Children Under Five Years Name: Institution: Course: Date: Introduction Children under the age of five are at their most delicate stage in life. This is relative to the fact that they have underdeveloped immune systems that can easily be compromised. Some of the health conditions that the children will suffer from at this age will essentially be carried on to the older ages. This means that, it is crucial that the children are protected from development of any diseases, as they will likely suffer from the same when they grow up (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Where children are exposed to unclean air, such as smoky houses and neighborhoods at this age, they are likely to develop respiratory diseases that will then affect them for the rest of their lives. In some of the cases, most of the children that get sick at the stage do not make it to adulthood. This is relative to the fact that their immune systems are not well developed as mentioned earlier. As such, they in most cases succumb to diseases as their systems cannot effectively fight disease. Asthma is one of the most common ailments that children under the age of five are treated for. In this case, asthma is also one of the leading causes of admission into hospital at this stage (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2016). The significance of the disease can be established from the fact that; it is included as one of the main objectives for the Healthy People 2020 program.