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[Solved] Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database

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[Solved] Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database

Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database


Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database, such as Alabama Virtual Library, or University library, and select two peer-reviewed, scholarly articles. The first should be related to the topic of Chapter 13: Creating Vision and Strategic Direction. The second article should be on the topic of Chapter 15: Leading Change. Be sure that the articles relate to this course material. If possible, utilize articles that have been published in the last 5 years. To locate scholarly journal articles on these topics, you will want to access the online academic database of your choice and utilize the advanced search option to search for peer-reviewed, scholarly articles. You may want to begin your search by experimenting with the keywords leadership + vision or leadership + change. If you have difficulty locating an article, please contact the CSU Online Library staff. Their contact information can be found by accessing the CSU Online Library page through the “My Library” link located in your course. As you prepare your article critiques, follow the instructions below. Write your critiques in APA format. Identify your author and title as part of the introduction to your topic; this should not be considered a reference for the article. For example: In reading "The Wayward Cat" (Seuss, 2012) I was intrigued by the way the author addressed . . . Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and the author`s point of view. Defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Conclude each critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion. 1. You will first need to identify and explain the author`s ideas. Include specific passages that support your description of the author`s point of view. 2. Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Describe several points with which you agree or disagree. 3. For each of the points you mention, include specific passages from the text of the articles (you may summarize, quote, or paraphrase) that provide evidence for your point of view. 4. Explain how the passages from the articles support your opinion. Please format the critiques in this manner: “Title of Article 1” Critique (use bold type for the title) Body of the Critique/Summary References “Title of Article 2” Critique (use bold type for the title) Body of the Critique/Summary References Be sure to use the title of the article in bold as your header to be able to distinguish between the two critiques. Your submitted document should include critiques for two articles in one four-page paper. Identify the author and title of your first article, complete the critique and provide references. Then identify the author and title of your second article and present that critique and its references. Your document should be a total of four pages, double-spaced, and in APA format. Cite your references using APA format. As stated above, both Article Critiques should be submitted in one combined document which is a total of four pages.


Article Critique Student`s Name: Course Title: Instructor: Date Due: “Leadership through vision” Critique In his article “leadership through vision”, Kimney proposes leadership through vision as the secret behind organisational success (Kinney, 2007). He analyses how a company by the name ‘All Phase Electric Company` has managed to succeed through visionary leadership. He argues that for an organisation to thrive, it is important that, the leadership vision is clear. The leader of a firm must communicate the vision to all company members to get their cooperation and support in its implementation. The leader is a risk taker who develops goals and goes on to implement them. Visionary leaders rely on tacit knowledge to design plans to guide operations in the organisation (Kinney, 2007). The organisation values interdependency through; appropriate selection and appointment of workers, customer service that is outstanding and an increased market share. A good amount of resources is spent on hiring workers and empowering them through training. Customer feedback is an important aspect in influencing the type of choices made by the visionary leader in the running of the firm. According to Richard, All phase Electric Company`s visionary leaders make choices based on values and devote much of their resources to innovation, human capital and advancing systems that ensure the development of viable projects and programmes (Kinney, 2007). These leaders have the power to influence others` outlook and mind-set to lure them into trusting the decisions made and adopt them for implementation. 

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  • Title: [Solved] Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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[Solved] Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database [Solved] Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database
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A masterpiece of assignment by , written on 2020-03-12

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