Electronic Medical RecordsNameInstitutional AffiliationElectronic Medical RecordsThe use of digital equipment has increased in all areas in contemporary times. Virtually all forms of paper documents are being replaced by electronic models. For example, the banking industry is within the brink of eliminating paperwork from banking. The medical field is not far behind; there are propositions to replace the existing paper based storage of medical data by electronic means (Jacques, 2010). In fact, the use of electronic medical storage is already a reality. Despite the limitations of EMR (electronic medical records), its potential advantages out weights the limitations.AdvantagesEfficiency According to Ruffner, in the future, medical charts will be replaced with electronic health records (Ruffner et al., 2010). He suggests the move makes provision of health care more efficient that the current practice where paper charts are used. The EMR system is expected to ease transmission of medical records to the local database where it is only accessible by authorized personnel. For example, nurses often need to go after doctors to read the paper charts. However, with the new system, they can access this information from their stations, thus making their work more streamlined. In addition, the ability of doctors to communicate with more urgency wh...