Course CORE Text Book:
• Verbeke, A. (2013). International Business Strategy (2nd edition), Cambridge University, Press, NY.
- Peng, M. (2014). Global Strategic Management (3rd edition), CENGAGE Learning.
- Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D., Regner, P. (2017). Exploring strategy: text and cases. London: Pearson Education/Prentice Hall.
Recommended Reading:
- Dunning, J., and Lundan, S. (2008), Multinational enterprises and the global economy (2nd ed.), Cheltenham: Edward Edgar Publishing Ltd.
- Peng. M., Meyer, K. (2011), International Business, Cengage Learning EMEA
- Forsgren, M. (2008), Theories of the Multinational Firm: A Multidimensional Creature in the Global Economy, Northampton: Edward Elgar.
- Rugman, A.M. (2008), The Oxford Handbook of International Business, (2nd eds.) New York: Oxford University Press.
Sources of Relevant Data
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
World Bank
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Sources for Theoretical Framework/Analysis
The Unit handbook/Moodle area provides essential and further readings based on the resources identified below for each lecture/topic.
Academic Journals (Journal of International Business Studies, International Business Review, Journal of World Business, Long Range Planning, Strategic Management Journal etc.)
Reports from reputable research, policy and financial organisations (e.g., European Commission, OECD, WTO, NESTA, national government agencies, IMF, World Investment Report)
Commercial Research Organisations and Databases (Datamonitor, FAME, Osiris, MINTEL, PASSPORT)
Periodical Magazines (reputable) (e.g., The Economist, Businessweek, New Statesman, Spectator)
Newspapers (reputable) (e.g., Financial Times, Guardian, Observer, Times)
Trade Press (for information on specific sectors) (for example, Campaign [advertising], Design Week [product design], The Marketer [marketing])
Marking Criteria *
Executive Summary (not more than 250-300 words, this does not count towards the word count)
A brief summary of the report and key findings
Introduction ( about 300 words)
Include brief relevant background of the MNE and how your report is structured
Data Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion (about 2300 words)
Analyses and interpreting of the relevant data evidence and commentary on MNE and the host market. Here provide a critical evidence-based discussion of your findings with respect to relate to (or are informed by) the theory and literature.
Recommendation and ethical considerations (about 400 words)
Evaluate approaches and positions, or suggest alternatives and options with respect to ethical policy, strategy and/or management relevant to the host market.