The purpose of this project is to analyse a product (an existing commercial product) for its design for manufacturability. Analyse the design considerations/limitations or defects in the product due to the manufacturing method.
Selection of products:
The product chosen for this project should be different from any example already covered in the class.
Report guidelines:
1.Classify commonly used manufacturing processes and briefly explain any eight manufacturing process.
2.Provide a diagram of the product, with dimensions. You must annotate the diagram by specifying design consideration/guidelines considered for manufacturing.
3.What alternative manufacturing method you suggest to manufacture the same product? Nominate the percentage improvements or limitations when compared to the original.
4.Submit a printed copy in the class with coversheet and upload a copy in blackboard.
5.If possible, submit the product with printed assignment.
Assignment submission guidelines
•Type in word with times new roman 12 with spacing 1.2. Single column. Use normal margins.
•Abstract (150 words), main part (3000 to 5000 words) and conclusion (100 words)
•For headings use bold, underline.
•Use endnote for references. Use numbering. All references should appear together at the end of the paper.
•The Assignments must be written in the best possible technical and grammatical English. Will be penalised for bad spelling, grammar and punctuation.
•Titles should be concise and should describe the content of the paper. If you have a long title, please consider a Title: Subtitle format
•All graphics (photos, line art, and tables) must fit within the margin settings. All graphics should be understandable when printed in black and white. Do not use only color as a distinguishing feature. Use symbols or patterns on line and bar graphs to identify lines and columns.
•Illustrations should be numbered consecutively as they are presented in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Each figure should be mentioned or called out before it appears.
•All mathematics must be embedded in the text using an equation editor. Equations need to be numbered only if they are referred to more than once.
•Save the file with Surname_Assignment number_ID
•Submit the assignment to blackboard and submit a printed copy with cover sheet during the lecture time. Twenty five percentage of marks will be reduced for each day in case of late submission unless approved prior.