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Analyse and assess elements of organisational culture and their impact on approaches to leadership and management in a specific or

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Analyse and assess elements of organisational culture and their impact on approaches to leadership and management in a specific organisation


In the context of Leading and Managing People (LMP), it is reasonable to expect students to formulate leadership and management approaches that reflect the needs of specific organisations. Implementing those approaches then requires the support of stakeholders, such as Senior Management, and this is gained by communicating and justifying the need for appropriate changes. Therefore, the focus of the Individual Assignment is on composing an outline report that comprises analysis, conclusions, and recommendations.


Given the broad scope of the topic, it would be unreasonable to expect students to address more than a sample of the issues at play in any organisation and its environment. This therefore requires students to prioritise issues and focus on those which they deem to be the most important. To aid students, a series of guiding questions are provided (Appendix 1[1]).


The aim of the Assignments is to assess student ability to:


i. Analyse and assess elements of organisational culture and their impact on approaches to leadership and management in a specific organisation

ii. Draw conclusions based on the aforementioned analysis

iii. Generate recommendations for the organisation in-question.



The above aims relate to a three-part module structure which is embedded in the following questions:


How can organisations adapt to, or influence, their environment?

How can Leaders and Managers effectively shape and influence the culture of their organisations?

How can Leaders and Managers be developed to lead and manage effectively?

Individual Assignment – Outline Report (Overall Weighting = 100%)



Developing the Leadership and Management Approach in an Organisation




a) Intended Learning Outcomes


This Assignment is intended to assess the ability of students to carry out needs assessment in the area of leadership and management practice, draw appropriate conclusions and recommendations and consider related development issues. It is not expected that students should develop a comprehensive report as that would run well beyond the set word limit.




b) Description of Assignment


Students are required to elaborate an outline of the important links that run through their selected organisation’s environment and culture. The organisation’s leadership and management practice should then be examined in that context. Findings should be presented in the form of an outline report consisting of analysis, conclusions and key recommendations (a maximum of 4 recommendations is advised). The recommendations will ideally include some consideration of related development issues and how proposed actions are to be implemented.


The Outline Report must integrate course theory with student knowledge of the aforementioned organisation. It is essential that the recommendations are designed to the specific needs of the selected organisation and this should be evident in the analysis and conclusions.




c) Format and Timing


The Report length will be between 2,250 and 2,750 words excluding tables, graphs, charts, and Appendices.


The weighting for the Assignment is as follows:


1) Analysis (50%)

2) Conclusions (30%)

3) Recommendations (20%)



Outline Reports must comply with IBS` regulations on Referencing and Plagiarism. The Word Count must be indicated on the cover page of the Report as failure to do so will attract a 5% penalty. Furthermore, a 10% penalty will be applied for each 125 words above or below the indicated world limits.

Outline Report



The Analysis represents a detailed examination of the most important elements of the organization’s environment, culture and leadership.

The Analysis, if based on the Schein Model, should reveal important consistencies and inconsistencies between the three levels of the organization’s culture.

The Analysis, if based on the Laloux’s ideas, should convincingly demonstrate where the organization is on Laloux’s evolutionary scale and provide clear reference to examples of other organizations that are both similar and different.

The Analysis should provide a basis for demonstrating the relative strengths and weaknesses of the organizations culture and leadership, including reference where appropriate to leadership and human resource development, HRM policies and programs, and change management and organization development initiatives.

The Analysis should be relatively exhaustive when discussing critical issues but skim over less important issues – the effort expended should be proportionate.



The Conclusions should be the product of sound reasoning.

The Conclusions should deal with critical aspects of the report.

The Conclusions should tie together the main strands of the analysis.

The Conclusions should represent a judgement of what is most critical and what should therefore be afforded the greatest priority and attention.



Recommendations should propose actions (or inaction) in relation to identified priorities.

Recommendations should provide a guide to how limited resources should be utilized to obtain optimum results. They should be constructive, offering solutions and not just identifying problems.

Recommendations should be specific, brief and to the point – they should represent and appropriate basis for an extended plan of action.

The recommendations should be measurable – they should identify outcome that will be visible when implemented.

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  • Title: Analyse and assess elements of organisational culture and their impact on approaches to leadership and management in a specific organisation
  • Price: £ 79
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Assignment
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Analyse and assess elements of organisational culture and their impact on approaches to leadership and management in a specific organisation Analyse and assess elements of organisational culture and their impact on approaches to leadership and management in a specific organisation
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