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Advanced Systems Analysis (ADSYS)

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Advanced Systems Analysis (ADSYS)

Advanced Systems Analysis (ADSYS): 2016

Student Project (100% Coursework / Portfolio; Word Count: 5000 Words)

This coursework is a supervised individual coursework. The word count for this assessment is 3,000 words. Any work where the word count is significantly higher or lower may be penalised.


Information about the Project:

This unit is assessed as a coursework and therefore will have similarities to your final year project. Appendices should be included to support your development of the project, these are not marked and do not count towards the overall word count. They should provide supporting evidence of your project development. As do the appendices of your final year project.

The unit is not marked anonymously. You are required to provide evaluation and support for your colleagues initial submissions and this cannot be anonymous. The assessment is a project and ongoing support and advice from your lecturer is individual project dependent and this again means that it cannot be anonymous. This is the same principle as for your final year project. As this is the case every piece of work submitted for assessment is double marked by a second independent lecturer.


Instructions for the Content of the coursework

The aim of the assessment is to develop a new methodology, review two other methodologies created by peers and to evaluate your own methodology. Methodology objective and a relevant evaluation framework / approach must be agreed upon at the start of your project with your unit lecturer.



Initial Project submission: xxnd February, 2017 by 10.30 pm

Submission of the initial portfolio should include the following parts:

1)      Analysis & Design (Individual Method): This is the original method that the student has developed during the first part of the unit delivery. It is expected that all ideas taken elsewhere are properly cited and referenced (University standard: Harvard APA v 6 referencing system).  

2)      Logbook (Study Diary - not marked or included in the word count): As the student works with their portfolio they are requested to document the process in the form of a student logbook. This is to be done according to instructions and should cover the days and time for this assignment.


Final Revised Project submission: xxth April, 2017

Submission of the final (revised) portfolio must include a short discussion on how the submission has changed from your initial portfolio (see above). Your original methodology / method must stay the same, only minor (e.g. technical corrections) changes are allowed.

Additionally the revised version of your project submission should include the following parts:

3)      Evaluation: A brief ‘Executive Summary’ drawing on your revised portfolio document. The Evaluation section should be included and you should evaluate your methodology in accordance with the agreed upon Evaluation Framework / Approach. Revision of your portfolio should be done according to (self) critique and reflection drawing on your evaluation of two other student’s initial submissions.

4)      Logbook (Study Diary – not marked or included in the word count): As the student works with the revision and evaluation they are requested to continue to document their study process in the form of a student logbook. This is done according to previous instructions and should cover the days and time for the work with the revision.

5)      Bound (hard) copy & Electronic copy: An Electronic submission of complete final work is required to be submitted to the Drop Box provided in Moodle. The submission must be uploaded before 10.30 pm on the due date. Work submitted after this time will be marked as Late. The submission should include all parts of the portfolio in one MS Word compatible format document. File names should be in the following format: ‘Surname initial portfolio.doc’ for example ‘Bednar initial portfolio.doc’

6)       Additionally the printed and bound copy of your study project (portfolio / report) should be handed into the CAM office before 4pm on the xxth April 2017.


Marking and Feedback

Marks and feedback will be available 20 working days after the submission date. If there are any unforeseen delays to this you will be kept informed.

All the Unit Learning Outcomes are covered by this assessment

Plagiarism and Poor Scholarship

This piece of work requires you to conduct research on your topic. You are expected to understand how to reference using the Harvard APA v 6 system. Therefore, marks will be deducted for poor scholarship and NO marks will be awarded for the entire assignment if ANY part of it is found to be directly copied from printed / published work or another student and not correctly referenced. Use respected web sites for your information gathering. To avoid plagiarism rewrite using your own words, but ensure where you have used the ideas of others you acknowledge the source within the text and provide the full source in the references at the end of the document (using Harvard APA v 6 format). The majority of your document will need be referenced, unless the idea is an original one of your own. If you are unsure about how to reference correctly please visit the University of Portsmouth library website and use


Proof read your work for spelling, grammar and English prior to submission as clarity of expression is an important part of a research coursework. Please include page numbers in the footer of the document.

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Advanced Systems Analysis (ADSYS) Advanced Systems Analysis (ADSYS)
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