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[Solved] a) List FOUR (4) issues that must be addressed in IS/IT management strategy

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[Solved] a) List FOUR (4) issues that must be addressed in IS/IT management strategy

Strategic Information Systems Analysis

Question 1 a) List FOUR (4) issues that must be addressed in IS/IT management strategy.

12 b) Explain the difference between business alignment and business impacting strategies. 

Question 2 a) The concept of ‘strategy’ can be employed at all levels across a typical large-scale company hierarchical architecture. For each of the following strategy types, describe and discuss the major concerns or issues to be resolved at that level.

i) Corporate strategy 5

i) Business strategy 5

iii) Functional strategy

5 b) List the FIVE (5) techniques suggested by Parker that management may use to evaluate IS/IT investment.

 Question 3 The external environment of an organisation has an impact on Information Systems (IS) strategy.

a) Imagine that you are an IS strategist. List and describe SIX (6) typical PESTLE (political, economic, sociocultural, technological, legal and environmental) issues arising from the external environment that must be factored in when formulating your strategy.

12 b) Porter suggested five forces that impact on any given organisation and thus determine its competitive position within a market. Briefly explain FOUR

(4) of these forces.

4 c) Explain what the term competitor analysis means with regard to the FOUR (4) distinct categories in market structure.

Question 4 a) Within an information systems (IS) strategic plan, a common technology framework/architecture identifies four distinct elements that combine together to deliver the IS resources needed to support the strategic business objectives. Describe these FOUR (4) technology elements.

8 b) With reference to applications portfolio analysis, briefly describe the following FOUR (4) components that make up the ‘strategic importance matrix’ suggested by both McFarland and McKenney as well as Ward and Peppard:

 Turnaround

 Strategic

 Support

Factory You should then draw this matrix with suitably annotated axes. 

Question 5 There are different alignment models and techniques available. Describe the following techniques.

a) Balanced scorecard model 5

b) DIKAR model 5

c) Critical success factors (CSF) analysis 5

d) Value chain analysis

Question 6 a) Describe the following eCommerce paradigms and give an example application for each.

) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

2 ii) Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

2 iii) Business-to-Business (B2B)

2 iv) Government-to-Business (G2B)

2 v) Government-to-Consumer (G2C)

2 b) eCommerce is not the only strategy available to an IS manager in a bid to minimise overheads. Another approach is outsourcing. As an IS manager, what contractual issues should you consider before committing to an outsourcing contract? 

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  • Title: [Solved] a) List FOUR (4) issues that must be addressed in IS/IT management strategy
  • Price: £ 109
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Papers
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[Solved] a) List FOUR (4) issues that must be addressed in IS/IT management strategy [Solved] a) List FOUR (4) issues that must be addressed in IS/IT management strategy
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