Purpose of the Assessment 1
This assignment has been designed to allow students the opportunity to explore the underlying importance of marketing and a marketing philosophy within organisations, and to society as a whole
Assessment Task
It is proposed that the concept of marketing orientation has a number of components:
- customer orientation: understanding customers well enough continuously to create superior value for them;
- competitor orientation: awareness of the short- and long-term capabilities of competitors;
- interfunctional co-ordination: using all company resources to create value for target customers;
- organisational culture: linking employee and managerial behaviour to customer satisfaction;
- long-term creation of shareholder value: as the overriding business objective.
Hooley, G., Piercy, N., and Nicoulaud, B., (2012) Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 5th Ed. FT Prentice Hall p.8.
By reference to academic literature, critically evaluate this perspective on marketing orientation. For an identified organisation – preferably, the one within which you work, or an organisation of your choice – assess its effectiveness in these components, making management recommendations. You can compare and contrast your chosen organisation with other organisations to demonstrate particular points, and to illustrate key concepts with practical examples.
You are required to produce a business report( please Must follow the below Structure of report guide) that demonstrates your understanding of key aspects of marketing orientation. The report should be of relevance to the organisation of your choice and be of interest to the managing Director (or equivalent).
The report should be addressed to an interested management readership. It should have:
- a sound theoretical and conceptual perspective, containing evidence of critical debate with reference to appropriate academic literature.
- an effective practical foundation, which makes management recommendations.
The work will be submitted in a business report style and should be 2000 words, and the executive summary of 200 words.
Use Harvard style.
Knowledge and understanding
a) justify, using robust practical and theoretical evidence, the application of marketing across a variety of organisational contexts.
b) apply a range of analytical models and conceptual tools and techniques in the marketing decision process, in particular with respect to environmental analysis, marketing planning and control to produce superior marketplace performance.
c) Critically select & apply relevant marketing theories, conceptual models & frameworks in the development of marketing strategies within a dynamic business environment.
d) Demonstrate knowledge applied to evaluate marketing practice in relation to the cross-functional aspects of business & management with the goal of enhancing long-term shareholder value or other measures of success
Subject specific skills
e) Synthesise complex organisational based information, together with dynamic external data into effective marketing lead planning strategies.