The first aspect of this practical relates to the lectures of the cardiovascular system. in this session, the heart rate response to exercise will be examine. to assess the fitness the VO2 max will be used, which is a measure that relates to the volume of oxygen required to provide the necessary energy. in order to compare the values obtained by different individuals, the values will be normalised to the respective body weight measurements.
The second aspect, is a critical view of anthropometric ( measurement of the human individual) values to assess physiological status.
a) Briefly discuss the values you obtain and compare them to the mean values of the group ( a lady of 40 years and girls of 18 to 21 years of age) .
b)Does the rating related to the VO2 values correspond to health fitness status suggested by the BMI? opinion, is the BMI a reliable estimation of the health status?.
c) Does the arm span relate to the height? By comparing the values obtained for each member of the group, was any relationship between the height and fitness found?
d) Why do subjects have different heart rates and different VO2 when doing exactly the same amount of work? ( e) Why would having a high maximal oxygen uptake be beneficial?
f) What consideration must be considered when predicting maximal oxygen uptake from heart rate in an elderly population?
(Notice )
Introduction, briefly introduce the report i.e relationship between the cardiac system and exercise and the concept of anthropometry.
Aim, aim of the experiment
Method, 1 paragraph to summarize the method as concisely as possible and add any modification of the protocol.
Results present a table and descriptive comments ( legend)
Discussion, discuss your results and any relationship between any the anthropometric values and fitness status
Conclusion, personal view about the study in a brief critical view i.e about the method, their potential benefit or limitation
References, bibliography: citations and references in the correct format, journal of Cell Science should be included at the end.
47 years Stud.2 Stud. 3 Stud. 4 Stud. 5 Stud.6 Stud. 7 Mean
VO2 40.8 40.6 40.6 44.5 37.8 41.7 41.3
STPR 135 131 136 115 155 160 69
Arm span 160 175.3 179 165 149 149 179.7
Height 156 170.5 181.5 163 152.5 155 168.5
weight 73 75.1 52.7 56.1 50.1 49.2 76.8
BMI 30 25 16 21.1 21.5 20.5 26
The mean is not calculated yet, is only one person that is 47 years, the rest student are between 18 years and 21 years.
Fitness Assessment and Anthropometry Name: Course: Instructor: Institution: Department: Date: Introduction The cardio vascular system is one of the most crucial systems in the body and plays some very vital functions. Among the main functions of the cardiovascular system include the delivery of oxygen to the working muscles around the body, it pumps blood back to the heart for oxygenation, deliver the nutrients to the body tissues, transport hormones across the body, transport fuels to the active muscles and transport heat from the muscles and internal organs to the skin. When one exercises, the demand on the cardiovascular system increases (Janot, 2001). Levels such as oxygen needs rise quickly depending on the level of activity. The metabolic processes increase and at the same time waste creation is sped up. The cardiovascular system has to keep up with the demands of the body as the level of activity increases. The cardiovascular system during exercise is charged with the regulating the heart rate, cardiac output, stroke volume, blood pressure and blood flow (Janot, 2001). The term anthropometry is used to refer to the aspect of human individual measurment.