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All key aspects of contemporary American politics, including governmental and non-governmental institutions, elections and voting

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All key aspects of contemporary American politics, including governmental and non-governmental institutions, elections and voting behaviour, and policy-making.

The course provides a broad overview of all key aspects of contemporary American politics, including governmental and non-governmental institutions, elections and voting behavior and policy-making. It is set, implicitly, within a comparative context in order to analyze the similarities and differences between the American political system and equivalent advanced industrial nations in Western Europe. The US is often held up as the epitome of a free and democratic republic, and the course will critically examine this claim - as the world`s most powerful and wealthy nation-state, it is important that we have a grasp of its role in twenty-first century global politics. As Obama continues his presidency - what are the key challenges facing the 44th incumbent of the Oval Office, in terms of formulating public policy, and how dependent is he on the other branches of the political system i.e. Congress, the Supreme Court, and the states?

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  • Title: All key aspects of contemporary American politics, including governmental and non-governmental institutions, elections and voting behaviour, and policy-making.
  • Price: £ 99
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Papers
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

Customer Reviews

All key aspects of contemporary American politics, including governmental and non-governmental institutions, elections and voting behaviour, and policy-making. All key aspects of contemporary American politics, including governmental and non-governmental institutions, elections and voting behaviour, and policy-making.
Reviews: 5

A masterpiece of assignment by , written on 2020-03-12

My order went 3 hours late and I also went mad. Then the customer support team calmed me down and offered me a flat discount of 50%. However, I did get my order and chilled out as the work was exactly what I requested. Next time I would place my order a bit sooner to save any trouble.
Reviews: 5

A masterpiece of assignment by , written on 2020-03-12

This is my second order which I booked recently at Insta Research. I just got my coursework completed expertly. Just waiting for good scores now.