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1.1. Brief description of your house/flat/room. Square meters, location, how many people live there, age of the property.

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1.1. Brief description of your house/flat/room. Square meters, location, how many people live there, age of the property.

  1. DIAGNOSIS (400 words)

1.1.        Brief description of your house/flat/room.  Square meters, location, how many people live there, age of the property.

1.2.        Carbon footprint (Initial reading).

1.3.        Habits in energy use, water use, travel, food, waste, etc. Use the pictures to illustrate your habits in regards to those issues.

1.4.        Eco-mapping. Use the eco-mapping to identify environmental problems. Add tables if you think are relevant. For example, table with information about appliances, gadgets and other information you think relevant, with the appropriate energy use (in KWhs). Or another table about your food habits and consumptions. In these tables try to use numbers and figures related to Carbon footprint.

1.5.        Analysis of the diagnosis. In this paragraph you will explain what are the most salient environmental aspects and impacts in your household. Also you can add some references about national data, or how your carbon footprint compares with similar households or individual footprints. 



2.1.        Policy or Mission. Write in a sentence or a brief paragraph, what is your purpose, why you are doing this, what is the importance.

2.2.        Objectives, Actions and Indicators.

Use the diagnosis to choose your objectives, justify your options.  



Use verbs and percentages so you can be realistic.


Include the main actions or activities you can do to achieve your objectives.


How will you know that you are fulfilling your objective.

1. to reduce energy consumption in 25%


  1. Electricity bill
  2. Log progress

2. To manage waste and improve recycling in 50%



  1. To reduce car use and travelling footprint in 10%



4. To monitor my well-being and reduce stress  (Compulsory)







  1. RESULTS (300)

3.1.  Overall reduction of Carbon Footprint: Final Footprint – Initial Footprint %

3.2.  Objective Progress






1. to reduce energy consumption in 25%

Reduction of 30% on energy consumption.

Pictures (Before/After)

Electricity Bill

Home audit Log (Graphs, data can be in the appendix)




2. To manage waste and improve recycling in 50%

100% plastic  material is recycled.

25% reduction of plastic consumption.

  1. To reduce car use and travelling footprint in 10%





3.1.  Who are the audience.  A brief description of the people targeted in your communication campaign. Age, habits, values, cultural differences, etc. Internal customers (flatmates). External stakeholders (group, landlord, university accommodation office, other students living in university accommodation).

3.2. Communication campaign. What exactly did you use for your CC: posters? Stickers? Video? Comedy? Dinner? Facebook campaign? Slogan? Logo? Add what you did in the report.

3.3.  Strategy: How did you decide on your communication campaign. For example, how the age/gender/culture of the audience was considered. Here you can use some references from the lecture, or some of your literature on marketing, leadership, organisational behaviour, change, etc.  

3.4.  Evaluation: How did it go? How people reacted to the communication campaign (number of likes in facebook, other figures of engagement?). What were the main obstacles or problems of the Communication Campaign.






This section is based on your results, relevant literature and your personal journal and analysis.

5.1.  Analysis of the Barriers and potentials of implementing the EMS in your household.  Use the results as the basis for this analysis and use some literature (references) you think can support your points. For instance you can use literature on behavioural change; organisational learning; leadership; etc.

5.2.  Professional skills you gained in this module (Check the module guide to find some of the professional skills that are intended to be improved in this module. Check also the IEMA Graduate Skills and compare your results with their graphic https://www.iema.net/skills-map)

For example:  Leadership Skills: In this module I was able to inspire and lead behavioural change of 5 housemates toward environmentally friendly practices. My style of leadership relied on charisma and communication, and some of my housemates remarked that:  “add quote”.  OR. I also honed my leadership skills in my group/seminar, by proposing revisions of the assignment and the module/ by becoming student rep/ by sharing my knowledge and ideas with other class mates. Some of my classmates said that: “….”

5.3.-Personal Well being: Use the results presented before to analyse your well being during the semester. Main problems. Main strategies to cope with stress. Limitations and potential of considering well being. Use appropriate references to support your ideas.


  1. General Presentation: Arial 12, 1.5 space, Harvard System of Referencing. Good pictures. Good tables. Composition and Grammar. Numbered pages.

DATA BASE. Students are invited to fill the STEP questionnaire. This is voluntary and it will help us to monitor and improve this module and in general understand more about education for sustainability.








Additional information that can complement your report.



Carbon footprint (initial / final)

Needs to be included in the main report. 


Needs to be included in the main report. Extra information can be included in the appendix


Additional pictures you think can offer evidence of change

Monitoring logs.

The logs are crucial in the monitoring of your progress, they are evidence of change.

Don’t forget to include the Journal or Reflections on the Monitoring Log.

Personal Journal

Extracts of your personal journal (omit information you consider too personal).

STEP Database

Check Participant Information Form

Sign Participant Consent Form

Fill in the form, link to be confirmed.


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  • Title: 1.1. Brief description of your house/flat/room. Square meters, location, how many people live there, age of the property.
  • Price: £ 139
  • Post Date: 2024-08-28T18:23:38+00:00
  • Category: Assignment
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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1.1.	Brief description of your house/flat/room.  Square meters, location, how many people live there, age of the property. 1.1. Brief description of your house/flat/room. Square meters, location, how many people live there, age of the property.
Reviews: 5

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A masterpiece of assignment by , written on 2020-03-12

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