Plato`s Society Book Review
Read the article provided, see attached.
This is a book review must involve the study and practice of business ethics and business writing.
This review should be equally divided into 3 parts: finish each part in 6 sentences or so. mark the number before start to write each part in sequence.
1. Quotes(and cite the page for)a passage from the article provided, alone with your comments.
2. Should do as #1. as well for an ethics issue reported currently in a media source.
3. Discuss what you do for this course, including observation on your writing, other readings do for the course(business writing), and ideas raised in class.
When finished, write down time spent on each of those three part.
Writing will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Sentences:follows conventions of written english. sentences able to stand alone.
Clarity:clear, scannable, organized with title, headings, and paragraphs.
Substance: takes on challenging ideas, not superficial.
Evidence: presents sound evidence. cites sources. no patch writing or plagiarism.
Book Review: Systems of Survival 1 "Guardians were to be so unsullied by property and trade, they were to own nothing as individuals" (Jacobs, 1992, p. 179). While the society proposed by Plato is utopian for many people, I see the value in it, where guardians have to perform their duties as rulers and administrators, police and soldiers and the philosopher king. In this system, the guardians ensured that the community was working orderly, and the philosopher king brought forth the values that are now lacking in today`s society - wisdom, goodness and selflessness. Guadians did not have to worry about their own survival, there were other sectors of the society that would provide their food, clothing and homes. The problem came when guardians began possessing properties, and so their roles were now confused - are they parents first to their children.