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[Solved] 1. List the five process groups and describe in detail each process group. Make sure to explain the purpose and function

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[Solved] 1. List the five process groups and describe in detail each process group. Make sure to explain the purpose and function of each process group.

Project Management Coursework


Answer each question with a minimum of 150 words. APA format. Answer question under each question

1. List the five process groups and describe in detail each process group. Make sure to explain the purpose and function of each process group.

2. Explain the importance if the project life cycle to project management. Identify and define the phases within the project life cycle and explain their importance to the project being successful. 

3. Differentiate between the three major organizational forms. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of each form and discuss some of the critical factors that might lead you to choose one form over the other.

4. How well does risk management contribute to project success? Outline the six sub processes and identify how they contribute to project success.

5. Analyze the following statement: all projects overrun cost estimates and therefore we do not need cost estimations. Support your response with examples.

6. Describe the benefits of forming a network of activity and event relationships that graphically portrays sequential relations between tasks in a project.

7. Describe resource leveling, it`s objectives, and the basic techniques to perform it.

8. What are any four heuristics for prioritizing resource allocation to activities? Why would a project manager choose one above another?


Project management Name Course Instructor Date List the five process groups and describe in detail each process group. Make sure to explain the purpose and function of each process group Initiation At this phase the project is authorized to either go into the next step or for the whole project to be approved. As such, the scope is defined, deliverables are identified, and all the parties are also identified as well as the project objectives (Berkun, 2008). Planning After identifying the project objectives, the planning process emphasizes on the best course of action to meet the objectives. Core processes in planning are performed in succession because they have dependencies (Berkun, 2008). Another aspect of planning facilitating processes which depends on the project, and hence performed when required. Executing In order to fully meet the plan specifications, execution is important, where the human resource is used in developing the project team. Additionally, coordinating all the resources is part of the project plan to meet benchmark goals within the expected time. Monitoring and control Monitoring risk and performances as well as controlling processes helps to ensure that the project team meets the objectives (Berkun, 2008). It also allows the members to undertake corrective action especially when the project is not on track. Budget considerations may affect the project’s process, and hence the process is important to keep monitoring progress. Close The p...

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  • Title: [Solved] 1. List the five process groups and describe in detail each process group. Make sure to explain the purpose and function of each process group.
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
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[Solved] 1. List the five process groups and describe in detail each process group. Make sure to explain the purpose and function of each process group. [Solved] 1. List the five process groups and describe in detail each process group. Make sure to explain the purpose and function of each process group.
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